Displaying 1,201 - 1,230 of 1,397

Julie Thum
Aaron Levitch
Anna Morris
Sheila Wade
Anthony Summers
Lisa BjörkmanUofL
Megan CrabbJCPS
James Chisholm
Sarah Wolff
Joan DubaySt. William
Ryan Simpson
Grant Cooksey
Bill PerkinsJcps
William PerkinsJcps
martha schecter
Kristin DennisCentral High School
Reginald GlassThe Historic Central HighSchool Career Magnet Academy/JCPS
Adrianne Moore
Tina GettingsJCPS
Dwayne Compton
Marian CallRetired
Siobhan Smith-JonesUniversity of Louisville
Kassondra Harris
Stephanie JacksonH.O.P.E. Eternally, LLC
Rose FilleyLWV
Catherine MaddenLoretto co-member
Jeff Alston
Rosie Blackburn
Theresa Coop