Improve Eviction Mitigation

IMPROVE EVICTION MITIGATION Eviction is a threat for all renters financially impacted by COVID-19 layoffs, lockdowns, or even short-term illness. Evictions should not be a permanent housing barrier for families attempting to move [...]

Increase Rental Support

INCREASE RENTAL SUPPORT Across the landscape of housing in Louisville, it is clear that disinvestment, redlining, inequities, and ongoing reductions in funding for all aspects of affordable housing have caused sharp inequities. This [...]

$50M Black Community Fund

$50M Black Community Fund For too long, public safety in Louisville has taken a police-centered approach and ignored the possibilities of publicly-resourced, community-led solutions. This initial $50M allocation will allow us to begin [...]


TOP-TO-BOTTOM EXTERNAL REVIEW OF LMPD AND INVEST/DIVEST Updated: July 24, 2020 We incorporate our earlier demands and request a top-to-bottom review of LMPD. While we find the Mayor’s request to be painfully delayed, [...]

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