Shift Toward Anti-racism by Faith Leaders
SHIFT TOWARD ANTIRACISM BY FAITH LEADERS Racism as well as racial inequality is fundamentally a moral issue. Dr. William Augustus Jones once said, “the system reveals a sick sociology based on a faulty [...]
Right to Lead?
US Conference of Mayors After serious discussion by the group, this document also serves to register our deep concern with your ability to lead the conference of Mayors, and Louisville, while our city [...]
Remove Barriers To Effective Police Misconduct Investigations
REMOVE BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE MISCONDUCT INVESTIGATIONS AND CIVILIAN OVERSIGHT Remove contract provisions, local policies, and provisions in state Law Enforcement Officers' Bills of Rights laws that: Allow officers to wait 48 hours or [...]
Mayor Greenberg Must Prioritize the DOJ Consent Decree
Mayor Greenberg Must Prioritize the DOJ Consent Decree November 21, 2024 The findings of the Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation into the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) laid bare decades of systemic abuses: [...]
Louisville Must Implement the Consent Decree Regardless of Federal Support
Louisville Must Implement the Consent Decree Regardless of Federal Support Mayor Greenberg, During your State of the City address on January 30, 2025, you confidently stated that you intend to uphold the signed [...]
Keep Officers’ Disciplinary History Accessible
KEEP OFFICERS' DISCIPLINARY HISTORY ACCESSIBLE TO POLICE DEPARTMENTS AND THE PUBLIC Retain and make publicly available crime clearance data, particularly data on crime "cleared by exceptional means," and remove contract provisions, local and [...]
TOP-TO-BOTTOM EXTERNAL REVIEW OF LMPD AND INVEST/DIVEST Updated: July 24, 2020 We incorporate our earlier demands and request a top-to-bottom review of LMPD. While we find the Mayor’s request to be painfully delayed, [...]
Intentionally Consider ‘Implicit’ Racial Bias
INTENTIONALLY CONSIDER 'UNCONSCIOUS' OR 'IMPLICIT' RACIAL BIAS Implement far more stringent and documented processes/data collection (disaggregated by race) when force is used to increase accountability around use of force. Require current and prospective [...]
Expand the Mail-in Ballot Process
ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUESTS In-person voting is simply not safe given the prevalence of COVID-19. Kentuckians currently have the option to vote via mail-in ballot or absentee for the upcoming primary, but that process [...]
Establish Alternative Approaches To Mental Health Crises
ESTABLISH ALTERNATIVE APPROACHES TO MENTAL HEALTH CRISES Updated: July 24, 2020 Mental health crises should not be excuses for heavy-handed police interventions, and are best handled by mental health professionals. Establish and fund [...]
Ensure Financial Accountability for Officers that Injure Civilians
ENSURE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY FOR OFFICERS AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS THAT KILL OR SERIOUSLY INJURE CIVILIANS Remove contract provisions, local policies, and provisions in state Law Enforcement Officers' Bills of Rights laws that: Require officers [...]
Change Police Representation
CHANGE IN POLICE REPRESENTATION The Louisville Metro Police Department is 12.5% African American, which is 146 officers of the total department of 1,168. One hundred and twenty-two are males and 24 are females. [...]
Change Police Leadership, Culture, and Practice
CHANGE IN POLICE LEADERSHIP, CULTURE, AND PRACTICE How we do policing, locally and nationally, must change. Improving police culture and behavior requires changes to the policies, practices, and budgets that govern them. We [...]
A Path Forward Opposes Anti DEI Legislation
A Path Forward Responds to Anti DEI Legislation February 19, 2024 To whom it may concern: We, the undersigned, vehemently oppose SB93, SB6, HB9, HB191, HB224, and HB304–a slew of bills moving through [...]
$50M Black Community Fund
$50M Black Community Fund For too long, public safety in Louisville has taken a police-centered approach and ignored the possibilities of publicly-resourced, community-led solutions. This initial $50M allocation will allow us to begin [...]
#justiceforDavidMcatee Updated: July 24, 2020 Mr. Mayor... Disclose and discipline the person or persons responsible for deploying the National Guard to 26th and Broadway (Response to LMG, pg. 2).
#justiceforBreonnaTaylor Updated: July 24, 2020 Mr. Mayor... Fire the officers involved with the Breonna Taylor case (Response to LMG, pg. 2).